
2010 - A special school

It is a special school. It was a special celebration for special people in a particularly beautiful, human atmosphere. In the Special Education Center Lienz six students were celebrating their last day of school.

 immortalize :: hand-and footprints in concrete  supporting :: to make the farewell easier

They have been immortalized with their handprints and footprints in concrete floor slabs - as is done in Hollywood for prominent stars. Proudly walked the students their own "Walk of Fame". The Dancing Stars, Andy and Kelly Kainz, have come to support them. Even our 12-year-old tap dance champion Raphael Rojko escorted a school child to make his little contribution to the ceremony.

 Elena and Darian :: sleeping beauty and her prince  Raphael :: Steps to Eternity

The supporting programme has opened by the children from the special school with the self-rehearsed dance "seven step". Then showed the Minis of "Dance Company",  Elena Granata and Darian Rojko, their dance "The Sleeping Beauty and her prince." Later Andreas Weiskopf as the school director and presenter announced the world dance champion Raphael Rojko. He was happy to devote his "Steps to Eternity" this time the children of the special school. For us a thank you to the school on which premises Raphael trained.

 Darian, Raphael, Andreas R. :: Andreas R. was 20 years ago a pupil under Dir. Andreas Weiskopf  Dir. Andreas Weiskopf with Darian and Raphael

We wish to the young persons with mentally handicap all the best for their future lives. May they always be surrounded by people who are in so special human responsibility and so helpful to their side, like Dir. Andreas Weiskopf and his Team this always did for the last 12 years.
